/*HAP.Web.JS.js - Copyright © 2012 nb development - Version 1 */if (hap == null) { var hap = { root: "/HAP/", user: "", common: { jsonError: function (xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) { try { if (xhr.responseText.match(/\/gi)) window.location.reload(); else { if (document.getElementById("errorlist") == null) $("#hapContent").append('
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" + jQuery.parseJSON(xhr.responseText).Message + "
This error has been logged on the server's event log
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If you wish to edit this file, remember to\r\nsave it to your computer and upload it back once you have finished!' }, { name: 'myfiles/upload/upload', value: 'Upload' }, { name: 'myfiles/upload/uploading', value: 'Uploading' }, { name: 'myfiles/upload/uploadprogress', value: 'Upload Progress' }, { name: 'myfiles/upload/filetypewarning', value: 'is an restricted file type\r\n\r\nYou can only upload' }, { name: 'myfiles/upload/folderwarning', value: 'You cannot upload the folder %\r\n\r\nTry compressing it into a ZIP File first' }, { name: 'myfiles/upload/filetypeerror', value: 'You have attempted to upload a restricted file type!' }, { name: 'myfiles/upload/filesizewarning', value: 'is Too Big to Upload!' }, { name: 'myfiles/upload/fileexists1', value: 'The file' }, { name: 'myfiles/upload/fileexists2', value: 'already exists\r\n\r\nDo you want to overwrite it?' }, { name: 'myfiles/upload/failed', value: ' has Failed!' }, { name: 'myfiles/upload/note', value: 'This page will refresh when it has finished' }, { name: 'myfiles/delete/question1', value: 'Are you sure you want to delete:' }, { name: 'myfiles/delete/delete', value: 'Delete' }, { name: 'myfiles/delete/deletingitem1', value: 'Deleting item' }, { name: 'myfiles/zip/zipingitem1', value: 'Zipping item' }, { name: 'myfiles/zip/question1', value: 'What do you want to call your Zip File?' }, { name: 'myfiles/zip/question2', value: 'FileName:' }, { name: 'myfiles/zip/zip', value: 'ZIP' }, { name: 'myfiles/unzip/unzipping', value: 'Unzipping' }, { name: 'myfiles/unzip/error1', value: 'An Error has occured while unzipping' }, { name: 'myfiles/unzip/error2', value: 'do you want to Continue?' }, { name: 'myfiles/unzip/question1', value: 'Are you sure you want to unzip:' }, { name: 'myfiles/unzip/unzip', value: 'UnZIP' }, { name: 'myfiles/size', value: 'Size' }, { name: 'myfiles/type', value: 'Type' }, { name: 'myfiles/location', value: 'Location' }, { name: 'myfiles/contains', value: 'Contains' }, { name: 'myfiles/created', value: 'Created' }, { name: 'myfiles/typeoffile', value: 'Type of File' }, { name: 'myfiles/modified', value: 'Modified' }, { name: 'myfiles/accessed', value: 'Accessed' }, { name: 'myfiles/extension', value: 'Extension' }, { name: 'myfiles/newfolder', value: 'New Folder' }, { name: 'myfiles/tiles', value: 'Tiles' }, { name: 'myfiles/smallicons', value: 'Small Icons' }, { name: 'myfiles/mediumicons', value: 'Medium Icons' }, { name: 'myfiles/largeicons', value: 'Large Icons' }, { name: 'myfiles/details', value: 'Details' }, { name: 'myfiles/view', value: 'View' }, { name: 'myfiles/properties', value: 'Properties' }, { name: 'myfiles/preview', value: 'Preview' }, { name: 'myfiles/progress', value: 'Progress' }, { name: 'myfiles/sendto/googledocs', value: 'Send to Google Docs' }, { name: 'myfiles/sendto/googlesignin', value: 'Sign into Google Docs' }, { name: 'myfiles/sendto/googlesignin2', value: 'Once you have signed into Google, HAP+ will upload the selected file to your Google Docs' }, { name: 'myfiles/sendto/skydrive', value: 'Send to SkyDrive' }, { name: 'myfiles/homework/homework', value: 'My Files - Homework' }, { name: 'myfiles/homework/new', value: 'New' }, { name: 'myfiles/homework/edit', value: 'Edit' }, { name: 'myfiles/homework/remove', value: 'Remove' }, { name: 'myfiles/homework/title', value: 'Title' }, { name: 'myfiles/homework/description', value: 'Description' }, { name: 'myfiles/homework/start', value: 'Start' }, { name: 'myfiles/homework/end', value: 'End' }, { name: 'myfiles/homework/students', value: 'Students' }, { name: 'myfiles/homework/teachers', value: 'Additional Teachers' }, { name: 'myfiles/homework/confirmremove', value: 'Are you sure you want to remove this homework?' }, { name: 'myfiles/homework/upload', value: 'Upload Homework' }], sidebar: { Open: false, Init: function () { if (window.location.pathname.toLowerCase() != hap.root.toLowerCase() && window.location.pathname.toLowerCase() != hap.common.resolveUrl('~/login.aspx').toLowerCase()) $.ajax({ url: hap.common.resolveUrl('~/api/livetiles/'), type: 'GET', dataType: "json", contentType: 'application/JSON', success: function (data) { $("#hapContent").append('' + hap.common.getLocal('openmenu') + '
' + hap.common.getLocal('homeaccessplus') + ' ' + hap.common.getLocal('home') + '
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" + data[i].Group + "
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"; $("#hapSidebar > .tiles").append(s); } }, error: hap.common.jsonError }); } }, livetiles: { Init: function (data) { if ($("#" + data[0].Data.Group).is(".me")) this.ShowMe(data); else for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) this.Tiles.push(new this.LiveTile(data[i].Type, data[i].Data)); }, Tiles: [], ShowMe: function (data) { for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) if (data[i].Data.Name == "Me") { $("#" + data[i].Data.Group).append('
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' + data.Name + '
' + data.Email + '
'); }, error: hap.common.jsonError }); } else if (data[i].Data.Name == "Password") { $("#" + data[i].Data.Group).append('

Change My Password

'); $("#me-setpassword").button().click(function () { if ($("#me-password-current").val().length == 0 || $("#me-password-new").val().length == 0 || $("#me-password-confirm").val().length == 0 || $("#me-password-confirm").val() != $("#me-password-new").val()) return false; $.ajax({ url: "api/livetiles/me/password", type: 'POST', dataType: "json", contentType: 'application/JSON', data: '{ "oldpassword": "' + $("#me-password-current").val() + '", "newpassword": "' + $("#me-password-new").val() + '" }', success: function (data) { alert("Password Updated"); $("#me-password-current, #me-password-new, #me-password-confirm").val(""); }, error: hap.common.jsonError }); return false; }); } }, LiveTile: function (type, initdata, size) { this.id = (initdata.Group + initdata.Name).replace(/[\s'\/\\\&\.\,\*]*/gi, ""); if (type == "exchange.appointments" || type.match(/exchange.calendar\:/gi) || type == "bookings" || type == "helpdesk") size = "large"; this.html = '' + initdata.Name + ''; $("#" + initdata.Group).append(this.html); if (type == "exchange.unread") { setTimeout("hap.livetiles.UpdateExchangeMail('" + this.id + "');", 100); } else if (type == "exchange.appointments") { $("#" + this.id).addClass("appointment"); setTimeout("hap.livetiles.UpdateExchangeAppointments('" + this.id + "');", 100); } else if (type.match(/exchange.calendar\:/gi)) { $("#" + this.id).addClass("appointment"); setTimeout("hap.livetiles.UpdateExchangeCalendar('" + this.id + "', '" + type.split(/exchange.calendar\:/gi)[1] + "');", 100); } else if (type == "me") { $("#" + this.id).addClass("me").click(function () { scrollpos = $("#HomeButtons > .me").index(); $("#HomeButtonsOutter").animate({ scrollLeft: (scrollpos * ($("#HomeButtonsOutter").width() - 20) + (scrollpos * 20)) }); $("#HomeButtonsHeader h1").removeClass("active"); $("#HomeButtonsHeader h1")[scrollpos].className = "active"; return false; }); $.ajax({ url: "api/livetiles/me", type: 'GET', context: this.id, dataType: "json", contentType: 'application/JSON', success: function (data) { $("#" + this + " span label").html("" + data.Name + "
" + data.Email); if (data.Photo != "" && data.Photo != null) $("#" + this + " span i").css("background-image", "url(" + hap.common.resolveUrl(data.Photo) + ")"); setInterval("$('#" + this + " span i').animate({ height: 'toggle' });", 8000); }, error: hap.common.jsonError }); } else if (type == "myfiles") { $("#" + this.id).addClass("me"); $.ajax({ url: "api/myfiles/drives", type: 'GET', context: this.id, dataType: "json", contentType: 'application/JSON', success: function (data) { var s = ""; for (var i = 0; i < (data.length > 3 ? 3 : data.length) ; i++) s += "" + data[i].Name + "" + (data[i].Space == -1 ? "

" : '
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"; $("#" + this.tile + " span i").html(s); if (data.length > 0) $("#" + this.tile + " span i").attr("style", "background-image: url();"); setTimeout("hap.livetiles.UpdateExchangeCalendar('" + this.tile + "', '" + this.mb + "');", 100000); }, error: hap.common.jsonError }); }, UpdateExchangeAppointments: function (tileid) { $("#" + tileid + " span label").html($.datepicker.formatDate('D d', new Date())); $.ajax({ url: "api/livetiles/exchange/appointments", type: 'GET', context: tileid, dataType: "json", contentType: 'application/JSON', success: function (data) { var s = ""; for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) s += data[i] + "
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"; } if (data.length > 0) $("#" + this + " span i").attr("style", "background-image: url();"); $('#' + this + " span i").html(d); setTimeout("hap.livetiles.UpdateBookings('" + this + "');", 110000); }, error: hap.common.jsonError }); }, UpdateTickets: function (tileid) { $.ajax({ type: 'GET', url: hap.common.resolveUrl("~/api/HelpDesk/Tickets/Open") + '?' + window.JSON.stringify(new Date()), dataType: 'json', context: tileid, contentType: 'application/json', success: function (data) { var x = ""; for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) x += '' + (i + 1) + ':' + data[i].Subject + '
'; if (data.length == 0) x = "No Open Tickets"; $("#" + this + " span label").html(x); setTimeout("hap.livetiles.UpdateTickets('" + this + "');", 500000); }, error: hap.common.jsonError }); }, UpdateExchangeMail: function (tileid) { $.ajax({ url: "api/livetiles/exchange/unread", type: 'GET', context: tileid, dataType: "json", contentType: 'application/JSON', success: function (data) { if (data > 0) { $("#" + this + " span i").animate({ width: 60 }, 500, function () { $(this).parent().children("label").html(data); }); } else { $("#" + this + " span label").html(""); $("#" + this + " span i").animate({ width: 108 }); } setTimeout("hap.livetiles.UpdateExchangeMail('" + this + "');", 30000); }, error: hap.common.jsonError }); }, UpdateUptime: function (tileid, server) { var con = { tile: tileid, server: server }; $.ajax({ url: "api/livetiles/uptime/" + server, type: 'GET', context: con, dataType: "json", contentType: 'application/JSON', success: function (data) { $("#" + this.tile + " span i").html(data); setTimeout("hap.livetiles.UpdateUptime('" + this.tile + "', '" + this.server + "');", 5000); }, error: hap.common.jsonError }); } } }; $(function () { if (hap.load == hap.loadtypes.full) hap.sidebar.Init(); if (hap.load > hap.loadtypes.none) hap.help.Init(); });}